
♥2017 Online e-shop accepted credit card and ship worldwide! Please visit !

All Class can start with 1 person and by appointment basic:) Please email or call Patricia 0192171015 for booking or enquiries.
AlmightyProfessionalSoapMakingWorkshop(APSPW) (全能手工皂专业课程)PRIVATE SESSION, MORE DETAILS Click HERE!

Happiness Mother Milk / Breast Milk Soap Making Workshop (幸福媽媽母乳皂課程), more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend available, please choose your date listed as above.

Please SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at
Joyful Soap Making Workshop (快樂手工皂课程) ♥RM250♥ 1 workshop (1-6 persons) 1人即可開班,more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend availablePlease Whatapps/SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Now you can place your breast milk soap order online or email us at

Lovely Peoples Feedback to Lullabelle Handmade Soap Services & Handmade Goodies,CLICK HERE!

Custom orders are welcome especially for event, party or wedding! Design & Sample Click HERE!Please SMS/call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sweet orange, Vanilla, Chamomile or Rose Nail Ointment《洋甘菊, 玫瑰, 甜橙與香草指甲修护膏 》RM10

Nails play an important role, especially in protecting your toes and hands from trauma. Therefore, you need to provide as much care for them as you would other parts of the body because they serve huge importance in proper function. It's time for you to use a natural solution that helps moisturize and restore minerals to nails and cuticles. Lullabelle’s nail ointment naturally restorative with lots of soothing macadamia oil, avocado and vitamin E which help to mend and protect dry, splitting cuticles.Scented with natural pure essential oil which inhibits microbial growth, and thus sterilizes the cuts and wounds, the application of natural pure essential oil on the injury, protects it from getting infected with pathogenic bacteria and fungus. Treat your nails & cuticles kindly - use it regularly and expect results. Your nails will appreciate it.
Not tested on animals, fairy approved.

Please choose flavors: Chamomile, Rose, Vanilla or Sweet Orange

Directions: Clean hands and nails. Apply small amount onto nails.

You can also use Cuticle pusher to push back the cuticle. It will help your nails to grow faster and healthier.

Best when applied at bed time to allow the natural ingredients to absorb into nail and cuticles.

Ingredients: beeswax, vitamin E, macadamia oil, avocado oil, red palm, sweet almond oil, sweet orange or vanilla essential oil

洋甘菊, 玫瑰, 甜橙與香草指甲修护膏女人的手是最容易暴露年龄的部位,因生活中常常接触化学成分、做水晶指甲、涂漂亮指甲油等,容易变得粗糙干燥,指甲也容易干裂易断,真令人心疼。尤其在冬 天,情况就更为严重! 独特的全天然植物配方,以100%纯天然蜂蜡为基底,并添加植物精油。 此外,可有效柔软并滋润指甲周围皮肤,预防倒刺增生,指甲分层和干裂,使指甲健康、光滑. 让您不必上沙龙也可拥有一只纤纤玉指。



容量:12g 成分:白蜂蜡 ,维他命E脂 , 澳洲坚果油 , 酪梨油 , 紅棕櫚油,植物精油

Feedback from lovely people about our nail ointment:

Another testimonial by Roza which really makes me touched as this product help the husband!Hopefully slowly the husband will heal and more flexible:D

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Molly Olivia Soap《薏仁燕麥皂》RM20

Oat helps regulate the excess oil of the skin by revitalizing it gently. moisturizes and gives skin its soft, smooth and natural appearance.

Oatmeal provides exfoliating and colloidal (fine) qualities. In the exfoliating action, oatmeal flakes scrub away dead skin cells. The soothing colloidal action of oatmeal binds moisturizing emollients to your skin so that it is softer and more elastic. Oatmeal also reduces redness, itching and minor skin irritations.

Barley Extract prevents skin irritation and neutralizes damaging free radicals.Oats and barley are healing grains. They are rich in vitamins and beta glucan which soothes sensitive skin, moisturizes dry skin and relieves itching, irritation, and inflammation. They also make a pair of good partner for the people wear make up regularly and rough skin and good in moisturizing. We add raw goat milk to whose reinforces the moisturizing effect. The goat milk we use is fresh, not powdered. Unlike powdered goat milk, fresh goat milk is loaded with vitamins (A, B6, C, D, and E), milk sugars, proteins, & butterfat.

Goat milk contributes a thicker lather and slightly higher acidity than regular milk, making it great for combination skin. Goat milk sensitivities are extremely rare. Even those who are allergic or intolerant of cow's milk are generally not sensitive to goat milk.

Chamomile essential oil have excellent calming properties, effective for irritation, impatience and feeling disagreeable, and has great value in treating PMS and other menstrual and menopausal problems.

Not tested on animals Pure, gentle and naturally moisturizing

RM20, 100g±10g bar, earth friendly soap.
Ingredients: goat milk,olive, palm, coconut, macadamia oil,jojoba, sweet almond oil, chamomile essential oil, French green clay, barley powder(finely grinded) , oat powder(finely grinded)

《薏仁燕麥皂》紧致净白, 清洁保湿RM20 重量: 100g ±10g

燕麥有維生素B群, 礦物質及蛋白質,具有很好的抗發炎及緊膚功能,能有效延緩肌膚衰老,美白肌膚及溫和清除角質層。

薏仁含有蛋白質、脂肪、棕梠酸、薏仁素、維生素B1等多種有效成分。外用能夠光滑柔軟肌膚,加速肌膚血液循環,抑制黑色素形成。敏感性肌膚的朋友非常適合使用這款皂,不會刺激,造成癢痛的感覺喔。 燕麦深层清洁皮肤,去除角质,皮肤清洁保湿,薏仁有美白、去水消肿的功效,使皮肤紧致净白。

羊奶入皂可提供肌膚充分的滋養成分,燕麥薏仁具有美白保濕功效,洗時還可洗到細細的燕麥薏仁粉末,可達美白潤延效果! 长期使用,美白的同时能治疗褐斑、雀斑、面疱,使斑点消失并滋润肌肤,同时还对紫外线有吸收能力。

露娜貝兒的羊奶,选用100%有机牧场有浓厚羊奶气息的浓郁粘稠的新鲜羊奶作为原料,羊奶混合了橄榄油经过皂化,还能闻到羊奶气息就可证明是高含量羊奶 添加,为国喜欢有机羊奶皂及爱闻到羊奶气息的你特别调制。试验下你一定会爱上清洁后脸蛋干净又水嫩的感觉。。(注意:本店羊奶皂良心保证绝不使用奶粉, 奶粉可以使得皂有浓烈的奶味,但是绝对不会给皮肤任何的天然养分)


洋甘菊精油: 改善干燥皮肤和湿疹皮肤, 改善敏感和脆弱皮肤, 改善缺水和干裂及脱皮皮肤, 改善油而缺水的皮肤, 可平衡油脂分泌,增加皮肤自身保湿性.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pearl Princess Soap《珍珠公主皂》RM28

Our Pearl Princess Soap is fresh and helps us to produce a truly creamy and soothing product. Our handmade and hand cut soaps are unique and created with skin-loving ingredients and our bath and body products are soothing to rough, dry skin.

Once you've used a bar of Pearl Princess Soap, we're sure you'll agree that there is simply no comparison to standard soap. Pearl Princess Soap which contains goat milk - the very best cleanser you can use on your skin!The goat milk we use is fresh, not powdered. Unlike powdered goat milk, fresh goat milk is loaded with vitamins (A, B6, C, D, and E), milk sugars, proteins, & butterfat. Goat milk contributes a thicker lather and slightly higher acidity than regular milk, making it great for combination skin. Goat milk sensitivities are extremely rare. Even those who are allergic or intolerant of cow's milk are generally not sensitive to goat milk.All milk contains natural emollients, vitamins and triglycerides that moisturize the skin.
Goat milk specifically contains the reputed highly effective moisturizer capric-capryllic triglyceride. People who prefer goat milk soap claim that it is far less drying and harsh than ordinary soap. For those who have sensitive skin or eczema, goat milk soap is a godsend.Aside that we also add precious pearl powder into this soap, Pearl contains 3 major elements to beautify your complexion which are glycine, methoionine and taurine that helps in replenishes and maintains moisture in the skin, increases the radiance and elasticity of the skin and promotes blood circulation to detoxify blood.

- Constant use will transform and whiten your skin, remove pigmentation and fight against the effect of aging; as well as revive youthfulness and health.

Health - Replenishes the calcium in the body. Promotes blood circulation, relaxes the body and calms the soul. Besides improving various gynecological conditions, it also eliminates body toxin. Pearl powder contains many types of precious nutrients that eliminate diseases and help stabilize the foetus during pregnancy.Other - Promotes peaceful and uninterrupted sleep to help relieve insomnia. Calming effect which helps to relieves mental stress and revitalizes brain cell.

Although a controversial personality from the historical point of view, one thing was certain about Empress Dowager Chixi. She had long been using pearl powder to maintain her wellness. Modern scholars who had studied various texts retrieved from the Imperial Palace of the Qing Dynasty discovered that Empress Dowager Chixi derived her energy and everlasting beauty from long-term pearl powder use. She was a devoted believer of the magic of pearl powder and had never failed to take her spoonful of pearl powder before bedtime every night

Not tested on animals Pure, gentle and naturally moisturizing

RM28, 100g±10g bar, earth friendly soap.
Ingredients: raw goat milk, olive, palm oil, coconut, sweet almond oil, macadamia oil, frankincense essential rose, rose essential oil, pearl powder
《珍珠公主皂》美白抗氧化, 去斑抗老RM28 重量: 100g ±10g

古有"常饮羊奶,色如处子"之记载,羊奶更是女人最经济的美容 养颜的护肤保健品,羊奶中含有上皮细胞生长因子(EGF)(牛奶中不含),人体大部分细胞都受其活化,喝羊奶或洗脸洗沐上皮细胞表层受刺激,可快速修补老 化、坏死、磨损的上皮细胞,并促进皮肤弹性形成,使皮肤美白, 具有消炎抗衰老的作用,令肌肤健康紧致。同时又有丰富的核酸和环磷腺苷,可促进新陈代谢,减少黑色素生成并防止色素在皮肤上沉淀,使皮肤白净细腻澄净明亮。并恢复正常生理功能, 防止细菌侵袭, 不愧为护肤保健卫士。

羊奶是乳制品中最接近母乳,营养成分最全、最易被人体吸收的奶品。另外羊奶中超氧化物岐化酶含量丰 富,对人体有抗炎,抗衰老作用。因此长期饮用或洗用, 有美容养颜和延缓衰老的功效。同时羊奶产品还是特定人群的最好选择,皮肤过敏者和神经官能症患者不能使用牛奶和某些植物制品, 但可以使用羊奶制品。 生羊乳特点:其實是沒有羊羶味的喔. 加入皂後讓皮膚很好吸收.羊奶有跟人乳一樣的活性"上皮細胞生長因子 ". 有益上皮細胞生長. 對身體敏感或較弱的特別有幫助. 也因羊奶脂肪球是牛奶的1/3大. 所以做皂. 泡沫會比牛奶更細. 觸感也會更好.

露娜貝兒的羊奶,选用100%有机牧场有浓厚羊奶气息的浓郁粘稠的新鲜羊奶作为原料,羊奶混合了橄榄油经过皂化,还能闻到羊奶气息就可证明是高含量羊奶 添加,为喜欢有机羊奶皂及爱闻到羊奶气息的你特别调制。试验下你一定会爱上清洁后脸蛋干净又水嫩的感觉。。(注意:本店羊奶皂良心保证绝不使用奶粉, 奶粉可以使得皂有浓烈的奶味,但是绝对不会给皮肤任何的天然养分)


健康: 补充体内的钙质,促进血液循环,舒缓身体和静化心灵。除了能改善一些妇女病痛,也能排除体内毒素。珍珠粉富含多种珍贵的养份,可抵抗疾病,对怀孕妇女也有安胎的效用。
其他: 促进宁静和安详的睡眠,改善失眠状态。舒缓紧张情绪,活化脑细胞。


乳香精油: 抗菌、促進傷口結疤、增強細胞活性、鎮靜、補身。具回春作用,對老化皮膚很好,其收斂的特性有利油性皮膚,幫助皮膚傷口癒合。幫助情感受挫或缺乏自信心。




Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Relaxing Lavender Sugar Body Scrub《幸福元氣薰衣草磨砂浴鹽》RM18

Body scrubs are a great way to keep your skin healthy and beautiful through exfoliation.Instantly awaken the senses. Organic, natural, hand selected oils and essential oils for your indulgence. Drench your skin in rich, intensive moisture of scents. Keep the skin soft and pampered daily and help defend against the damaging effects of the environment.Lavender is known as the Angel of Healing and Purification... Dried organic lavender buds, sweet almond oil and raw sugar nourish and moisturize the skin while encouraging the growth of new skin.

Lavender essential oil and lavender buds blended with cooling, refreshing rosemary and mint essential oil. Lavender can be used to relax and relieve stress, relieve headaches, help reduce high blood pressure and heal burns and wounds. It kills germs and can be used to reduce the spread of colds and viruses. It also helps to reduce cramps.

Rosemary and Mint will relieve a headache, reduce mental fatigue, increase alertness, relieve nausea, relieve itchiness.Lavender sugar scrub is perfect for removing skin-cell buildup on normal to dry skin. The ultra-moisturizing oil blend in this scrub effectively replenishes, moisturizes, and protects newly revealed skin. Our Pure Essential Lavender Mint oil blend helps to balance the skin.

Truly, 100% Pure - no synthetic chemicals, artificial fragrances, preservatives, alcohol, or any other toxins.
Direction: Remember to gently massage the body scrub in a circular motion, so that it exfoliates your skin.

Shelf life: About 12 months. Store in a cool, dry location and out of sunlight. If a products smells or looks off, please discard immediately.

Ingredients: Sweet almond oil, Himalayan Rose Salt, macadamia oil, olive oil, peppermint , lavender & rosemary essential oil, organic brown sugar,oat powder, dried lavender.

重量: 300g ±10g


舒緩身心,浸泡在大自然的花果木香: 薰衣草, 迷迭香, 薄荷.
主調薰衣草安眠、減輕壓力、舒活筋骨。迷迭香改善緊張情緒, 增強活力,加強記憶力。薄荷清涼舒爽,消炎殺菌。
幸福元氣薰衣草磨砂浴鹽是一款完美的清新組合洗去疲累,令人有即時充電的感覺。它能夠溫和地深層清潔皮膚,蔗糖晶體去除角質層和死皮,改善皮膚組織,令肌膚更加光滑,消除疲勞,放鬆僵硬肌肉, 有助於營養品的更好吸收。油和杏仁油對肌膚有十分顯著的美容功效。


建議每週使用2-4次。重量:10.5oz 300g



Energetic Vanilla Coffee Sugar Body Scrub《幸福元氣香草咖啡磨砂浴鹽》RM18

Body scrubs are a great way to keep your skin healthy and beautiful through exfoliation.
This Vanilla Coffee Sugar Body Scrub provides an effective scrub without aggressing skin, buffing away dead skin cells to leave the body with an incredibly soft feel. Brown sugar and sweet almond oil give it an ultra-luscious texture. The Vanilla Coffee Sugar Body Scrub also combines the fresh scent of vanilla with the restorative, antibacterial properties of sugar to bring you one of the sweetest bath experiences around and make your skin glow. Coffee powder that consists in body scrubs will make you look and feel slimmer, and younger, and can even give you that loving feeling. This natural body scrub is tough on wrinkle and cellulite.
Scrub Away Cellulite and Varicose Veins
*Coffee body scrubs reduce the puckering of cellulite, and tighten skin cells, and blood vessels, resulting in a tighter, slimmer look, according to Lydia Evans, consulting dermatologist for L’Oreal Paris, quoted in Elle Canada. Scrub Away Signs Of Aging! Coffee body scrubs also prevent and reverse sun damage. The aroma, caffeine, and massage of coffee body scrubs also:

• Stimulate your metabolism

• Increase dopamine levels, making you feel good
• Reduce stress

• Increase short-term memory

• Increase blood flow

• Impart vitality
Truly, 100% Pure - no synthetic chemicals, artificial fragrances, preservatives, alcohol, or any other toxins.

Direction: Remember to gently massage the body scrub in a circular motion, so that it exfoliates your skin.

Shelf life: About 12 months. Store in a cool, dry location and out of sunlight. If a products smells or looks off, please discard immediately.

Ingredients: Sweet almond oil, macadamia oil, olive oil, coffee powder, vanila essential oil, organic brown sugar,barley powder, dried lavender.

《幸福元氣香草咖啡磨砂》RM18 去除老废角质,使肌肤紧致柔滑 重量: 300g ±10g

身体皮肤其实和面部皮肤一样,需要定期去角质。把身体去角质培养成一种习惯,才能使身体护肤产品更好的呵护身体肌肤,保持柔嫩顺滑。 真正健康的皮膚護理,需要仔細清洗和調理,但更需要深層的清潔與滋養:磨砂顆粒去除表層死皮和植物油深入滋養,

杏仁油潤澤和保護,改善皮膚乾燥、粗糙,防止皮膚老化,恢復皮膚健康亮麗。 香草是一种淡紫色攀缘植物,土生土长在墨西哥,现在已经广泛生长于热带地区。其香味甜蜜而温馨,放人心情愉快。 咖啡有效去除身體角質、改善膚色,令肌膚柔滑如絲,其保濕效果亦非常顯著。咖啡具有燒脂作用,能塑造纖巧的身體線條。


使用方法:沐浴清洁皮肤后,取适量轻柔按摩全身即可,用完冲洗掉。配合身体滋养霜使用效果更佳。 建議每週使用2-4次。





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