Lullabelle Handmade Soap-It all begins with the natural touch...
Here at lullabelle, we believe that simple is better and that is what we bring to you, simple and fresh soap, made with only natural ingredients. We believe that natural doesn’t have to be boring and various types of soap to choose from, there is a piece of happy soap for everyone. We are blissful to help make your life a little greener and cleaner.
All soaps are made by hand from scratch at our home kitchen (pet and smoke free) using only the finest ingredients, some are imported, and whenever possible they are organic and sustainable. Always striving to produce only high-quality soaps, every detail is carefully handcrafted, and guaranteed to be made with no additives or preservatives.Our goal is to offer an affordable & natural alternative to the commercially made, chemically laden products that are most common in today’s marketplace. We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy creating them, thanks for stopping by!The reward for you is a luxurious lather that leaves your skin clean, smooth and invigorated.Our soaps are gentle, long lasting and delightfully scented. Choose any of our soaps or body products to begin your journey to healthier, more beautiful skin. We offer all of our products as gifts or favors for any occasion.Our Handmade Soap Our soap is handcrafted in small batches, each recipe is crafted with care to incorporate the most pure and natural ingredients we can. We begin with premium plant oils – pure olive oil, coconut oil and sustainable palm oil – and then add in nourishing butters, fruit and nut oils.Next, we scent our soap with pure essential oils (no fragrance oils here!) and then add clays, herbs, botanicals, and spices for color and texture. Our soap contains 10 to 15 percent less lye (sodium hydroxide) than what is required for complete saponification. This means that some fats and oils are left in the soap, for a smooth, silky, clean sensation. Finally, we hand pour and cut each batch, letting the bars cure over a period of a few weeks to develop a perfect, mild bar of soap. At this point our bars are ready for sale! We offer them to you as gifts, party favors or just a treat for yourself.
At Lullabelle we are inspired by the natural beauty that surrounds us and we are committed to being a friend to the earth and doing what we can to help sustain it. To us, there is nothing better than a natural start or end to the day. We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy creating them, and hope you take a little time to… LIVE. LOVE. LATHER.Many people never go back to using commercial soap once they have experienced handcrafted soap. To understand why...just compare the list of ingredients on a bar of commercially made soap to our all natural ingredients. We know you will absolutely fall in love with our handcrafted soap!露娜貝兒天然手工皂,全程冷製!All are natural. 天然手工皂能給你最自然健康的呵護,讓你愛上那柔細細的泡沫與沁人心扉的香氛,質地溫和又保護肌膚,洗後疲憊除盡,舒缓身心, 天天快樂……清潔,是美麗的第一步! 你是否曾經遇過適合自己的沐浴保養品,並且從中獲得愉悅的體驗;讓肌膚回歸最自然的原貌,沉浸在最天然、最溫柔的擁抱中的奇妙感受?拋開化學製品帶來的不適與傷害, 敞開毛細孔盡情呼吸,盡情地徜徉在無污染的保護之中。 除可依個人喜好,調和不同比例的油脂成分,使每塊皂具有獨一無二的獨特個性。貼心地?不同膚質量身訂做適性皂,是手工皂帶給人最大的體貼。融合氫 氧化鈉與油脂製作的皂液,在皂化過程中,更可依據需求、療效添加馥郁的精油,猶如幸福魔法師,賦予每塊香皂不同的穿著打扮與裝飾樣貌;讓手工皂除了既定的形狀外,還能以多樣化的外貌呈現,讓生活更添幸福感受。 手工皂可以清潔肌膚,甘油成分可以保留在肌膚表層,鎖住水分與保護肌膚,達到滋潤功能。而冷製手工皂的用意在於全程製作的溫度保持在攝氏五十度以下,作用是能夠維持每款油品的養分,不會因為皂化過程的溫度過高而導致流失。因為每回製作量少、製作成本高,且需花費四至八週的時間等待熟成,所以手工皂更顯難得與珍貴。冷製皂的製作過程天然,不會對於肌膚造成負擔,也能維護生態與環境,是最天然的清潔用品。選擇回歸自然無負擔的外在環境,除了是認真生活的態度外,更是一種寵愛自己的表現。寵愛自己、疼愛他人,從最自然的接觸開始......
At Lullabelle we are inspired by the natural beauty that surrounds us and we are committed to being a friend to the earth and doing what we can to help sustain it. To us, there is nothing better than a natural start or end to the day. We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy creating them, and hope you take a little time to… LIVE. LOVE. LATHER.Many people never go back to using commercial soap once they have experienced handcrafted soap. To understand why...just compare the list of ingredients on a bar of commercially made soap to our all natural ingredients. We know you will absolutely fall in love with our handcrafted soap!露娜貝兒天然手工皂,全程冷製!All are natural. 天然手工皂能給你最自然健康的呵護,讓你愛上那柔細細的泡沫與沁人心扉的香氛,質地溫和又保護肌膚,洗後疲憊除盡,舒缓身心, 天天快樂……清潔,是美麗的第一步! 你是否曾經遇過適合自己的沐浴保養品,並且從中獲得愉悅的體驗;讓肌膚回歸最自然的原貌,沉浸在最天然、最溫柔的擁抱中的奇妙感受?拋開化學製品帶來的不適與傷害, 敞開毛細孔盡情呼吸,盡情地徜徉在無污染的保護之中。 除可依個人喜好,調和不同比例的油脂成分,使每塊皂具有獨一無二的獨特個性。貼心地?不同膚質量身訂做適性皂,是手工皂帶給人最大的體貼。融合氫 氧化鈉與油脂製作的皂液,在皂化過程中,更可依據需求、療效添加馥郁的精油,猶如幸福魔法師,賦予每塊香皂不同的穿著打扮與裝飾樣貌;讓手工皂除了既定的形狀外,還能以多樣化的外貌呈現,讓生活更添幸福感受。 手工皂可以清潔肌膚,甘油成分可以保留在肌膚表層,鎖住水分與保護肌膚,達到滋潤功能。而冷製手工皂的用意在於全程製作的溫度保持在攝氏五十度以下,作用是能夠維持每款油品的養分,不會因為皂化過程的溫度過高而導致流失。因為每回製作量少、製作成本高,且需花費四至八週的時間等待熟成,所以手工皂更顯難得與珍貴。冷製皂的製作過程天然,不會對於肌膚造成負擔,也能維護生態與環境,是最天然的清潔用品。選擇回歸自然無負擔的外在環境,除了是認真生活的態度外,更是一種寵愛自己的表現。寵愛自己、疼愛他人,從最自然的接觸開始......
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