Plus,Camellia Oil blended with sweet almond oil may be used on a mother’s growing belly to prevent stretch marks and soothe itchiness.Camelia oil contains Vitamin E and antioxidants and because of these properties the oil is used to help hair grow faster. It also able to creates fine lather to cleanse your hair gently and lock in moisture.
Mia Liquid Soap can prevents further damages, turning your hair into shiny, healthy hair.
A healthy dose of olive oil provides a lavish moisturizer and rich in herbs that helps in cleaning the hair thoroughly and gently.
This soap helps your hairs to reveal smooth, naturally. With it’s concentrated natural material to actively stimulate hair renewal. It's for smooth you can see, smoothness you can feel. Your hairs will become more elastic, and smooth day after day while using it.
RM25, 110g±10g bottle, earth friendly.
Not tested on animals Pure, gentle and naturally moisturizing
Totally free of harsh synthetic detergents that dries your hair and scalp and pollutes you and our waterways.
《米亚液体洗发&身体皂》深層清潔毛囊、柔亮順滑RM25 重量: 110g ±10g
本款液体主要用来洗发,起泡丰富而且很细腻,不信的可以尝试一下及體會那柔細且豐富泡沬幸福感,保湿效果NO1,洗后头发会变得很柔软。山茶花油能提升髮 膚的保濕力與養份的迅速吸收;並能在表皮上形成一層保護膜、是製作洗髮皂的頂級優質油、有潤澤毛髮及誘導皮脂回復原有的調節能力、平衡PH質!
最佳適用: 宝宝/一般性/混合性皮膚/乾性皮膚/乾性髮質/易落髮者/受损发质/干枯无光泽,严重开叉,易断的发丝
1. 將頭髮徹底沖濕 (勿把頭髮搓亂)
2. 開始搓泡,邊洗邊按摩頭皮,以頭皮洗淨為主。
3. 開始沖水 (要順著水流的方向沖洗,邊沖邊按摩頭皮,勿把頭髮搓亂,搓亂時易打結)
4. 擦乾頭髮或吹乾頭髮。如果有需要,可以使用天然植物油潤髮。