
♥2017 Online e-shop accepted credit card and ship worldwide! Please visit !

All Class can start with 1 person and by appointment basic:) Please email or call Patricia 0192171015 for booking or enquiries.
AlmightyProfessionalSoapMakingWorkshop(APSPW) (全能手工皂专业课程)PRIVATE SESSION, MORE DETAILS Click HERE!

Happiness Mother Milk / Breast Milk Soap Making Workshop (幸福媽媽母乳皂課程), more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend available, please choose your date listed as above.

Please SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at
Joyful Soap Making Workshop (快樂手工皂课程) ♥RM250♥ 1 workshop (1-6 persons) 1人即可開班,more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend availablePlease Whatapps/SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Now you can place your breast milk soap order online or email us at

Lovely Peoples Feedback to Lullabelle Handmade Soap Services & Handmade Goodies,CLICK HERE!

Custom orders are welcome especially for event, party or wedding! Design & Sample Click HERE!Please SMS/call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Jocelyn Mother's Milk Custom Order《Jocelyn 媽媽母乳皂代製》

Jocelyn liew mama 5 batches of Breast milk soap. 
  1. Seven White Breast Milk Soap 
  2. Calendula Breast Milk Soap 
  3. Mugwort Breast Milk Soap 
  4. Lavender Breast Milk Soap 
  5. Pink clay Breast Milk Soap 
Seven White powder good for whitening, reduce scars and make the skin glow and radiant. It was specially formulated by Taiwanese Chinese Herb Medicine Doctor according Malaysia skin types and weather.
Calendula oil considered to be the most nourishing ingredients for sensitive skin, eczema and psoriasis. With skin complaints mugwort is said to alleviate eczema, acne and psoriasis. It is also helpful with actinic keratosis, reducing the abnormal cell production and promoting healthy cell growth.
Lavender can be used to relax and relieve stress, relieve headaches, help reduce high blood pressure and heal burns and wounds. It kills germs and can be used to reduce the spread of colds and viruses. It also helps to reduce cramps. Pink Clay is a gentle clay, making it suitable for all skin types, particularly good for dry, dehydrated, sensitive skin.
Thank you Jocelyn mama and her friend for re-order and hope they loves my handmade soap! 母奶是上天所賜與的珍貴寶物, 除了讓宝宝吸收可獲得極高的營養外,還可以物盡其用變成清潔養顏聖品! 七白粉對于美白皮膚有特效。對于消除皮膚斑點、消除皮膚痘痘有着立竿見影的效果。由于天生或者後天曝曬或者過度使用護膚品而造成的出現皮膚黑、黄、多斑、痘痘、粉刺、暗疮等皮膚特徵以後,使用七白粉能够有效解决這些問题 金盞花浸泡油有鎮靜修復及安撫的作用,對於發炎狀態中的皮膚有極佳的效果。 艾草可加速皮肤的血液循环,使老化细胞代谢,新细胞再生加强,淡化色斑,减少皱纹,使肤色红润,延缓衰老. 薰衣草安眠、減輕壓力、舒活筋骨。迷迭香改善緊張情緒, 增強活力,加強記憶力。 細緻的嫩粉紅石泥可堅牢的夾住自然的元素,提高肌膚胞外基質組織的連結,改善臉部細紋。添加的金盞花浸泡油有鎮靜修復及安撫的作用,對於發炎狀態中的皮膚有極佳的效果 喜歡我將滿滿的祝福和心情灌注在每塊手工皂裡~ 母乳皂泡沫纖細柔軟, 能加強肌膚保溼力、給予肌膚長效潤澤前所未有沐浴體驗!希望Jocelyn 媽媽會喜歡露娜貝兒所代製的母乳皂! ^__^
Patty 媽媽貼心小叮嚀:
手作皂的素材天然、溫和,臉部可用的也適用身體、寶寶可用的你用也好,能調節頭皮的配方, 也可用在身體及臉部的肌膚,所以手作皂可適用臉及全身,請安心使用。手作皂是弱鹼性產品,具微刺激性,使用時請小心不要噴濺到眼睛,若不小心噴濺到眼睛請以大量清水沖洗即可。

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jayne Mother's Milk Custom Order《Jayne媽媽母乳皂代製》

1st batch is hinoki osmanthus soap. Hinoki wood powder which has great antiseptic properties, long lasting and moisturizing. It smoothes your skin's texture, minimizes visible signs of aging, and simulates circulation.
Second is bittergourd honey. Honey is a traditional topical treatment for infected wounds. It can be effective on antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. Bitter gourd helps in keeping the skin free from blemishes, and keeps the skin glowing, and helps in toxic elimination from the body. Thank you jayne mama for re-order and hope she loves my handmade soap! 母奶是上天所賜與的珍貴寶物, 除了讓宝宝吸收可獲得極高的營養外,還可以物盡其用變成清潔養顏聖品! 桂花粉对于爱美的女性而言可美白肌肤、排除体内毒素、通宿便的良好功效。散发浓郁迷人香气的桂花,能舒缓紧张情绪,长期使用除了可净化身心、平衡神经系统,达到提神醒脑、美容养颜的作用外,还能驱除体内污浊之气,舒缓关节疼痛。 苦瓜能滋润白皙皮肤,还能镇静和保湿肌肤,特别是在容易躁热的夏天,敷上冰过的苦瓜片,能立即解除肌肤的烦躁呢! 喜歡我將滿滿的祝福和心情灌注在每塊手工皂裡~ 母乳皂泡沫纖細柔軟, 能加強肌膚保溼力、給予肌膚長效潤澤前所未有沐浴體驗!希望Jayne媽媽會喜歡露娜貝兒所代製的母乳皂! ^__^
Patty 媽媽貼心小叮嚀:
手作皂的素材天然、溫和,臉部可用的也適用身體、寶寶可用的你用也好,能調節頭皮的配方, 也可用在身體及臉部的肌膚,所以手作皂可適用臉及全身,請安心使用。手作皂是弱鹼性產品,具微刺激性,使用時請小心不要噴濺到眼睛,若不小心噴濺到眼睛請以大量清水沖洗即可。

Annie Mother's Milk Custom Order《Annie媽媽母乳皂代製》

1 batch of bittergout pearl breast milk soap for Annie mama. Bitter gourd helps in keeping the skin free from blemishes, and keeps the skin glowing, and helps in toxic elimination from the body. Pearl if constant use will transform and whiten your skin, remove pigmentation and fight against the effect of aging; as well as revive youthfulness and health.
母奶是上天所賜與的珍貴寶物, 除了讓宝宝吸收可獲得極高的營養外,還可以物盡其用變成清潔養顏聖品! 苦瓜能滋润白皙皮肤,还能镇静和保湿肌肤,特别是在容易躁热的夏天,敷上冰过的苦瓜片,能立即解除肌肤的烦躁呢! 珍珠粉长期使用能转换和美白您的肌肤,去除斑点和抗老化,令您回复青春和健康。
喜歡我將滿滿的祝福和心情灌注在每塊手工皂裡~ 母乳皂泡沫纖細柔軟, 能加強肌膚保溼力、給予肌膚長效潤澤前所未有沐浴體驗!
希望Annie媽媽會喜歡露娜貝兒所代製的母乳皂! ^__^

Patty 媽媽貼心小叮嚀:
手作皂的素材天然、溫和,臉部可用的也適用身體、寶寶可用的你用也好,能調節頭皮的配方, 也可用在身體及臉部的肌膚,所以手作皂可適用臉及全身,請安心使用。手作皂是弱鹼性產品,具微刺激性,使用時請小心不要噴濺到眼睛,若不小心噴濺到眼睛請以大量清水沖洗即可。

Shiryne Mother's Milk Custom Order《Shiryne媽媽母乳皂代製》

1 batch of hinoki gromwell breast milk soap for Shiryne cute mama. This soap main function are for sensitive skin,eczema and psoriasis. Hinoki Wood has great antiseptic properties, long lasting and moisturizing. It smoothes your skin's texture, minimizes visible signs of aging, and simulates circulation.

Purple gromwell infused oil for this soap because can reduce eczema and detoxify when used externally especially for people with acnes, prickly heat, eczema and itchiness due to unknown causes, inflammation and allergic skin.
母奶是上天所賜與的珍貴寶物, 除了讓宝宝吸收可獲得極高的營養外,還可以物盡其用變成清潔養顏聖品!
紫草浸泡油防止肌膚老化 促進角質層及老化肌膚之新代謝, 肌膚修護、傷口癒合、疤痕修復 消炎、解熱, 母乳皂也更加分滋潤,給予嫩嫩的肌膚最細緻的呵護,小寶貝&重視保養的媽咪都適合.

Valerie Mother's Milk Custom Order《Valerie媽媽母乳皂代製》

1 batch of pink calendula breast milk soap for Valerie pretty mama. This soap main function are moisturizing and reduce sensitive skin,eczema and psoriasis. Seven White powder good for whitening, reduce scars and make the skin glow and radiant. It was specially formulated by Taiwanese Chinese Herb Medicine Doctor according Malaysia skin types and weather.
French Pink Clay is used to cleanse and detoxify the skin, remove dead skin cells and create an overall refreshed appearance. (Suitable for normal to dry skin) and I also used Calendula infused oil as the base oil for Valerie Mama, calendula extract considered to be the most nourishing ingredients for sensitive skin, eczema and psoriasis.
母奶是上天所賜與的珍貴寶物, 除了讓宝宝吸收可獲得極高的營養外,還可以物盡其用變成清潔養顏聖品! 細緻的嫩粉紅石泥可堅牢的夾住自然的元素,提高肌膚胞外基質組織的連結,改善臉部細紋。添加的金盞花浸泡油有鎮靜修復及安撫的作用,對於發炎狀態中的皮膚有極佳的效果. 七白粉對于美白皮膚有特效。對于消除皮膚斑點、消除皮膚痘痘有着立竿見影的效果。由于天生或者後天曝曬或者過度使用護膚品而造成的出現皮膚黑、黄、多斑、痘痘、粉刺、暗疮等皮膚特徵以後,使用七白粉能够有效解决這些問题。

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Petit Bambi Bonbons《呵護宝贝组合》 RM88*limited to 10 set only

In the Bag-Calendula Love Marseilles, Merry Baby Balm, Purple Magical Ointment, Merry Baby Oil (worth RM109) *FREE 1 Jean Perry 100% Cotton Face Towel
Calendula Love Marseilles《金盞花愛心馬賽皂》 This soap has no added essential oils and which is ideal for sensitive and delicate, dry or damaged skin, suitable for children as well as adults. Has a light herbal scent. It is ideal soap for babies. 適用於所有膚質。鎮定敏感膚質;修護疤痕;改善溼疹及乾癬患處;滋潤乾燥肌膚;針對細嫩的嬰孩肌膚或成人的敏感性肌膚特別有效。
Merry Baby Balm 《快樂寶寶金盞膏》 Merry Baby Balm soothes and protects delicate skin while it’s carefully chosen aroma makes it a scented lullaby. Note: may cause sweet dreams! It is soothing, calming, anti-itch, especially good for rashes and hives. 快樂寶寶金盞膏專門調理嬰兒小屁屁受刺激而產生的困擾, 能即時給予鎮定舒緩及修護, 使小屁屁回到原本嬌嫩的模樣. 除了調理寶寶的尿布疹, 如有蚊蟲叮咬或是小破皮也都可以拿來擦哦!不含類固醇、抗生素、致敏香料。敏感、乾性、異位性膚質及蠶豆症嬰幼兒適用。
Merry Baby Oil《快樂寶寶油》Merry Baby oil is not only for babies, it is good for mommy or adult as well. It also helps in the healing of skin scars, minimizing of spots, elimination of big pores and stretch marks during pregnancy or weight fluctuations.
Purple Magical Ointment 《魔法紫草膏》 Purple Magical ointment quickly soothes pesky bug bites; relieve pain, rashes, itchiness, reducing swelling and discomfort. Ideal to heal wounds caused by scratches, bites and sores which also reducing the chance of infection.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Merry Baby Oil《快樂寶寶油》RM28

Skin-softening and anti-inflammatory oils and calming safe-for-baby wonderful silky massage oil special made just for your little precious one.
Great big and little people alike, scented with a few drops of sweet orange essential oil. 
Avocado oil is easily absorbed into deep tissue, and with its wonderfully emollient properties, makes it ideal for mature skins. It also helps to relieve the dryness and itching of psoriasis and eczema. It is also effective in accelerating the healing process in small cuts and bruises. 
Merry Baby oil is not only for babies, it is good for mommy or adult as well. It also helps in the healing of skin scars, minimizing of spots, elimination of big pores and stretch marks during pregnancy or weight fluctuations. 
Merry Baby Oil will give you peace of mind that you are doing something good for your baby's skin! 
All natural, NO chemicals or preservatives & free from mineral oil! 
Use to massage onto babies skin to help relieve dry skin, especially flaky newborn baby skin and great for babies’ cradle cap. 
 Ingredient: avocado oil, sweet almond oil, sweet orange essential oil. 
《快樂寶寶油》抗敏抗湿疹深层滋润 RM28 重量: 50g±10g 
快樂寶寶油能有效滋潤及軟化肌膚,按摩亦可增進親子間的感情,令嬰兒放鬆心情,有助入睡。坚持不使用人工色素、香料,且适合说有肤质,尤其是敏感及干性肌肤。 酪梨油富含Vit.A.E和C,可有效改善皮肤的干燥及老化现象,

这款婴儿油纯天然的成分适合任何人,而且自己用也很不错,香甜又滋润,让你的肌肤像宝宝一样完美嫩嫩哦!也可以预防肌肤松弛, 紧实肌肤,有助于避免产生妊娠紋或淡化形成妊娠紋。 干燥的季节可以代替浴后乳液,而且还可以当做卸妆油来用呢,真是一物多用!超级实用的一款按摩油推荐给大家!



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