
♥2017 Online e-shop accepted credit card and ship worldwide! Please visit !

All Class can start with 1 person and by appointment basic:) Please email or call Patricia 0192171015 for booking or enquiries.
AlmightyProfessionalSoapMakingWorkshop(APSPW) (全能手工皂专业课程)PRIVATE SESSION, MORE DETAILS Click HERE!

Happiness Mother Milk / Breast Milk Soap Making Workshop (幸福媽媽母乳皂課程), more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend available, please choose your date listed as above.

Please SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at
Joyful Soap Making Workshop (快樂手工皂课程) ♥RM250♥ 1 workshop (1-6 persons) 1人即可開班,more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend availablePlease Whatapps/SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Now you can place your breast milk soap order online or email us at

Lovely Peoples Feedback to Lullabelle Handmade Soap Services & Handmade Goodies,CLICK HERE!

Custom orders are welcome especially for event, party or wedding! Design & Sample Click HERE!Please SMS/call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ginger Kisses Hair & Body Soap《姜洗髮皂》RM22

This is an uplifting, bubbly and handmade chemical-free solid hair and body soap made with ground ginger, and loaded with natural rosemary, grape seed, lavender, may chang and cedar wood essential oil.Ginger is known to having warming effect on the skin and improves blood circulation, relieves shedding hair, anti-scurf and relieving itching, refreshes oneself and tension.A lot of mummies have been telling me how goods and benefit of ginger and also recommending for use after giving birth, as an alternative to the traditional post-maternity body wash with the much troublesome "ginger water". It can also be used for other than this purpose as a daily hair and body cleansing soap.The blended essential oils that make up this formula will balance hormone secretion into the blood stream. Hair loss many times is related to hormone changes such as puberty, childbirth or menopause. This formula has even proven beneficial with female or male pattern balding. The essential oils work together to balance hormones, reduce stress, and supply the nutrients for healthy hair growth and heal scalp conditions such as dandruff, eczema, seborrhea and oily scalp.
A healthy dose of jojoba oil provides a lavish moisturizer and rich in plant oil and herb that helps in cleaning the hair thoroughly and gently.
Cedar wood: This oil has proven to be a successful treatment for alopecia areata. The chemical composition of this ingredient is quite amazing. It cleans the receptor sites and re-establishes cellular function for hair growth.

Rosemary: Stimulates the hair-bulbs to renewed activity and prevents premature baldness. This will help with oily hair and dandruff. It will even effectively treat scabies. Also, it's great for an itchy scalp! Well known for its beneficial effect on the scalp and its ability to encourage healthy hair growth.

Lavender: soothes the scalp and calms wild, fly-away hair.
Grapefruit: helps to promote new hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles. Also helps by controlling sebaceous glands (the glands that produce excessive oil).

RM22, 150g±10g bar, vegan friendly soap.

Not tested on animals Pure, gentle and naturally moisturizing

Totally free of harsh synthetic detergents that dries your hair and scalp and pollutes you and our waterways.
Ingredients: coconut oil,canola oil, jojoba oil, gingers, rosemary, grapefruit, lavender, maychang, cedarwood., chamomile buds.

First time use handmade hair soap need to know:

-After use handmade hair soap, your hair normally may feel not smoothly, it is because of the hair follicle unfold fully.
-Most the shampoo sales in the market use cleaner or chemical additive( such as dimethicone), can let the hair feel smoothly after wash, but destroy the cuticle and block the hair follicle, cause scurf increase etc hair problem.
-For long term use handmade hair soap, more health for your hair compares with the chemical shampoo sales in the market.
《姜洗髮皂》去屑控油、助髮生長RM22 重量: 150g ±10g
這塊皂是為了容易掉髮有點禿頭跡象的朋友們設計的,用了迷迭香,薰衣草,生薑,希望可以把朋友們的問題一一解決, 洗後頭髮變的好柔軟,拿來洗臉與洗澡也很舒服.
姜具有驱风散寒,通脉之功效,外用有促进肌肤血液循环,行气活血,增加皮肤弹性及令皮肤红润有光泽。最适合产后做月,身体多风的人使用。 做月产妇基本上可以用姜皂代替姜水洗澡.
【姜】:可去除老年斑、抗衰老、治療風濕痛,腰腿痛,可以減輕關節炎病痛,薑汁洗髮可防止脫髮。姜含有刺激手囊末梢神經作用的營養成分,在清除毛孔阻塞後,不僅可加速頭皮的血液循環、幫助毛髮生長,更有助於強化髮根的營養,改善頭皮屑、抑制頭痕,緩和脂漏性皮膚炎、對毛髮生長遲緩、髮質不健康及易落髮者更有改善,使毛髮健康再生. 薑粉可滋養頭皮、徹底清潔毛髮污垢,經常使用,頭髮更加閃亮動人、幫助頭髮根部吸收營養。
最佳適用: 一般性/混合性皮膚/油性皮膚/油性髮質/又容易生頭皮屑髮質/禿頭髮質

1. 將頭髮徹底沖濕 (勿把頭髮搓亂)
2. 開始搓泡,邊洗邊按摩頭皮,以頭皮洗淨為主。
3. 開始沖水 (要順著水流的方向沖洗,邊沖邊按摩頭皮,勿把頭髮搓亂,搓亂時易打結)
4. 擦乾頭髮或吹乾頭髮。如果有需要,可以使用天然植物油潤髮。
這塊皂是為了容易掉髮有點禿頭跡象的朋友們設計的,用了迷迭香,薰衣草,生薑,希望可以把朋友們的問題一一解決, 洗後頭髮變的好柔軟,拿來洗臉與洗澡也很舒服.
姜具有驱风散寒,通脉之功效,外用有促进肌肤血液循环,行气活血,增加皮肤弹性及令皮肤红润有光泽。最适合产后做月,身体多风的人使用。 做月产妇基本上可以用姜皂代替姜水洗澡,



最佳適用: 一般性/混合性皮膚/油性皮膚/油性髮質/又容易生頭皮屑髮質/禿頭髮質

1. 將頭髮徹底沖濕 (勿把頭髮搓亂)
2. 開始搓泡,邊洗邊按摩頭皮,以頭皮洗淨為主。
3. 開始沖水 (要順著水流的方向沖洗,邊沖邊按摩頭皮,勿把頭髮搓亂,搓亂時易打結)
4. 擦乾頭髮或吹乾頭髮。如果有需要,可以使用天然植物油潤髮。



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