
♥2017 Online e-shop accepted credit card and ship worldwide! Please visit !

All Class can start with 1 person and by appointment basic:) Please email or call Patricia 0192171015 for booking or enquiries.
AlmightyProfessionalSoapMakingWorkshop(APSPW) (全能手工皂专业课程)PRIVATE SESSION, MORE DETAILS Click HERE!

Happiness Mother Milk / Breast Milk Soap Making Workshop (幸福媽媽母乳皂課程), more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend available, please choose your date listed as above.

Please SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at
Joyful Soap Making Workshop (快樂手工皂课程) ♥RM250♥ 1 workshop (1-6 persons) 1人即可開班,more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend availablePlease Whatapps/SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Now you can place your breast milk soap order online or email us at

Lovely Peoples Feedback to Lullabelle Handmade Soap Services & Handmade Goodies,CLICK HERE!

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Angeline Ng Mama Mother's Milk Custom Order《Angeline Ng 媽媽母乳皂代製 》

The 1st one Merry Baby Oat soap, I added with organic fine grinded Oat which helps regulate the excess oil of the skin by revitalizing it gently. Moisturizes and gives skin its soft, smooth and natural appearance.

Oatmeal provides exfoliating and colloidal (fine) qualities. In the exfoliating action, oatmeal flakes scrub away dead skin cells. The soothing colloidal action of oatmeal binds moisturizing emollients to your skin so that it is softer and more elastic. Oatmeal also reduces redness, itching and minor skin irritations.Oats is healing grains. They are rich in vitamins and beta glucan which soothes sensitive skin, moisturizes dry skin and relieves itching, irritation, and inflammation. They also make a pair of good partner for the people wear make up regularly and rough skin and good in moisturizing.

Added lemon essential oil which can calming in nature and therefore helps in removing mental fatigue, exhaustion, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness and nervous tension. And
Sweet Orange essential oil has zesty citrus, sweet, strong aroma and it is cheering, refreshing, uplifting, and comforting.

Second batch of soap will be Hinoki Blessing Soap which is superb for sensitive, eczema, baby and problematic skin.Hinoki powder and hinoki wood essential oils in it!Hinoki Wood has great antiseptic properties, long lasting and moisturizing. It smoothes your skin's texture, minimizes visible signs of aging, and simulates circulation.Hinoki wood Oil as anti-inflammatory, Anti-itching, Hydrating and skin softening, Skin- cleansing, Anti-viral and anti-bacterial, Mild pain reliever and much more (e.g. it is reported for healing of warts, it can release troubled breathing, caused by sinus infection… )

This soap cleanses cleanly the children skin or the sensitive skin without irritation, has excellent anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects, adds nutrients, improves the troubled skin and also provides a feeling of excellent refreshment.

Mugwort powder is a very good anti-aging and natural skin alternative treatment for skin rashes and pimples. It increase skin's radiance and decrease inflammation.

Lastly mixed hinoki & mugwort powder and did swirling on top of the soap to beautify the soap. Mugwort has great anti fungal, expectorant, uterine stimulant, haemostatic and anti-asthmatic properties. You will be amazed for its wonderful and hidden power.
Thank your for Angeline Mama to appoint me as the mother milk soap maker and happy to work this wonderful soap with u! Hope you and your family love it and have a great bath experience with all these BM soaps.

母乳皂泡沫纖細柔軟, 能加強肌膚保溼力、給予肌膚長效潤澤前所未有沐浴體驗!

希望給予你一家不同感受力! 純母乳皂絕對能深得妳心。

這兩批媽媽的母乳皂, 我選擇了金盞花浸泡橄欖油和甜杏仁油作為基礎油, 金盞花浸泡橄欖油含有豐富的維他命、礦物質、蛋白質,可以保濕並修護皮膚. 金盞花浸泡油無論療效、或視覺效果,都予人溫和舒適的感受。此皂適用於所有膚質。鎮定敏感膚質;修護疤痕;改善溼疹及乾癬患處;滋潤乾燥肌膚;針對細嫩的嬰孩肌膚或成人的敏感性肌膚特別有效。

此配方中加入的甜杏仁油和等等有助於肌膚再生、防老化、保濕力及滲透力佳,養份可迅速被肌膚吸收,更能維持肌膚的保水度,希望媽媽們會喜歡露娜貝兒所代製的母乳皂! ^__^

第一批燕麥寶寶母乳皂, 燕麥有維生素B群, 礦物質及蛋白質,具有很好的抗發炎及緊膚功能,能有效延緩肌膚衰老,美白肌膚及溫和清除角質層。


檸檬精油: 具收歛淨化特性,能改善油性肌膚,軟化老化角質,促進肌膚新陳代謝.淺度美白功能.

甜橙精油: 具消炎、抗菌功效。對油性或乾燥皮膚、濕疹有護理功效.

第二批母乳皂做了檜木平安皂,檜木氣味天然溫暖祥和,可以幫助平緩濕疹, 痤瘡、皮炎、不安的肌膚。。

艾草精油可加速皮肤的血液循环,使老化细胞代谢 ,新细胞再生加强,淡化色斑,减少皱纹,使肤色红润,延缓衰老,可改善眼袋、黑眼圈、眼睑下垂、皱纹、延缓眼部的松弛老化现象,使眼部恢复光彩,增强人体的免疫力、强身健体。

另一方面檜木艾草的氣味會讓身心靈放鬆, 所以檜木&艾草精油加入運用皂裡頭~洗的時候會起柔軟的泡沫,洗淨效果很好,也可使皮膚細膩 ,潔淨舒爽,應該用它每天來清洗全身!

此母乳皂香很沉、溫潤,非常耐聞。這次精油加的很大方,所以經過皂化後檜木艾草香氣仍十分明顯,讓大自然最簡單最純樸的林木芳香 來擺脫一天忙碌疲倦的身驅, 洗起澡來簡直像在阿里山檜木林裡做森林浴! 希望Angeline Mama和家裡的BIBI會喜歡及用得暢快舒服!


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