
♥2017 Online e-shop accepted credit card and ship worldwide! Please visit !

All Class can start with 1 person and by appointment basic:) Please email or call Patricia 0192171015 for booking or enquiries.
AlmightyProfessionalSoapMakingWorkshop(APSPW) (全能手工皂专业课程)PRIVATE SESSION, MORE DETAILS Click HERE!

Happiness Mother Milk / Breast Milk Soap Making Workshop (幸福媽媽母乳皂課程), more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend available, please choose your date listed as above.

Please SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at
Joyful Soap Making Workshop (快樂手工皂课程) ♥RM250♥ 1 workshop (1-6 persons) 1人即可開班,more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend availablePlease Whatapps/SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Now you can place your breast milk soap order online or email us at

Lovely Peoples Feedback to Lullabelle Handmade Soap Services & Handmade Goodies,CLICK HERE!

Custom orders are welcome especially for event, party or wedding! Design & Sample Click HERE!Please SMS/call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Monday, December 17, 2012

Choy Mun Mama Mother's Milk Custom Order《Choy Mun 媽媽母乳皂代製》

Thank Choy Mun mama for all time support before she marry and after she got a lovely baby boy! Oatmeal also reduces redness, itching and minor skin irritations.
Oats is healing grains. They are rich in vitamins and beta glucan which soothes sensitive skin, moisturizes dry skin and relieves itching, irritation, and inflammation.
Hinoki Wood has great antiseptic properties, long lasting and moisturizing. It smoothes your skin's texture, minimizes visible signs of aging, and simulates circulation.
Thank you Choy Mun mama for the trust and patience and hope the soap bring her and her family happiness, purity and healthy.
母奶,是母親賜與親愛寶貝第一份最珍貴寶物,母乳皂保留了母乳精華,天然溫和,讓您從裡到外給寶貝最完整的呵護。 母乳皂的最大好處在於,「香皂」是每天都會用到的清潔物品,而手工皂因滋潤度高、不含人工合成洗劑與香料、色素等優點。將過期母乳入皂,除了是媽媽們精心製造的母乳皂,亦是給Baby洗澡時最天然的清潔用品。
這批檜木燕麥寶寶母乳皂是Choy Mun媽媽訂購的, 燕麥有維生素B群, 礦物質及蛋白質,具有很好的抗發炎及緊膚功能,能有效延緩肌膚衰老,美白肌膚及溫和清除角質層。 檜木氣味天然溫暖祥和,可以幫助平緩濕疹, 痤瘡、皮炎、不安的肌膚。金盏花可预防色素沉淀、增进皮肤光泽与弹性、减缓衰老、避免肌肤松弛生皱。    燕麦也可以深层清洁皮肤,去除角质,皮肤清洁保湿,佛手柑精油有对抗菌作用明显,对湿疹、干癣、粉刺、疥疮、静脉曲张、伤口、泡疹、皮肤和头皮的脂漏性皮肤炎有疗效. 喜歡我將滿滿的祝福和心情灌注在每塊手工皂裡~ 謝謝你 Choy Mun Mama~


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