This is a custom made order of about 1000g of pure mother's milk soap using mother's milk supplied by you.Each custom made soap is made individually with your selection of soap type and ingredients. Design a soap based on your own special skin needs and desires.

Olive oil is a beauty secret known all over Europe and now you can own genuine Savon de Marseille. Marseilles soap has its own strict rules about its production and ingredients. Each block is made with at least 72% olive oil. Marseilles soap is pound of wonderful natural goodness.
Mother's milk is known to contain exceptional nutrients, which makes it a precious food for infants. Soaps made of mother's milk are said to have the ability to benefit sensitive skin and soothe skin irritations such as eczema. It is also popular to be used as face soap and is said to work magic on skin.
Breast Milk Soap or Mother milk Soap also act as Treatment for a Variety of Skin Conditions:
The antimicrobial and anti-adhesion properties of human breast milk also make it a gentle solution to clean and accelerate the healing for a variety of skin conditions.
This includes:

Recommend soap types and price for selection:
1. RM150 / bar Baby Marseilles soap → with pure olive oil-based, mild, non-irritating, suitable for baby, young children and sensitive skin.
Essential oil selections: vanilla, cinnamon,sweet orange, chamomile, lemongrass, lemon, rose, lavender, palmarosa, frankinse, grapefruit or none
2. RM150 / Oat Milk soap → added with the finely grinded oat with sweet almond oil based formula, non oily, non-irritation and mild for baby, young children and sensitive skin.
Essential oil selections: vanilla, cinnamon, lemongrass, lemon, rose, lavender, palmarosa, maychang, rosemary, frankincense, eucalyptus, hinoki wood, peppermint, grape fruit or none
3. RM150-Pick 1 or 2 herbs for 1 batch of soap / Mugwort /Purple Gromwell/ Hinoki/ Seven White /Osmanthus /Artemisia/ Pearl / Yurong Powder soap→ moisturising and hydrating soap added with the traditional herbs powder, contain essential oils, suitable for baby, sensitive, dry, oily and combination skin.
Essential oil selections: mugwort, eucalyptus, hinoki wood, patchouli, peppermint, rosewood or none
4. RM150 / of Herbal soap → choose from calendula ,lavender, chamomile & rose; we add sweet almond oil and jojoba oil whose reinforces the moisturizing effect. Embedded with herbs flowers in the soap (essential oils added) for scent and therapy functions, suitable for dry, oily skin.
Essential oil selections: sweet orange ,vanilla, cinnamon, green tea, lemongrass, lemon, sandalwood, rose, lavender, rosemary, frankincense, eucalyptus, rose geranium, peppermint, or none
5. RM150 / of Pink / Green French Clay soap → clay will draw out dirt and oil from your pores promoting clean healthy skin. This is an ideal facial soap but its uses are great all around.
• French fine pink stone mud / for neutral, dry, mature skin, recommended for women.
• French fine glauconite clay / / for normal, oily, combination skin
♥♥♥Essential oil selections: vanilla, cinnamon, sweet orange, grapefruit, lemongrass, sandalwood, lemon, rose geranium, rose, cinnamon, lavender, rosemary, frankincense, eucalyptus, peppermint, ylang ylang or none♥♥♥
♥Total 1000g±10g (1 batch) will be cut into about 10 pieces of soap in square bar which about 100g ±10g each and individually packaged and labelled. Beside the traditional square bar, you can refer to our new pattern as well!
♥♥♥Breast Milk Soap pattern(最新的的皂形): Love shape, Strawberry Baby Girl Booties(草莓娃娃鞋) ,Cute Bear Baby Boy Booties(小熊娃娃鞋), Rilakkuma Bear(懶懶熊),Antique Grandpa's Car (古董老爷车) & Rockabye Rabbit Baby(木马兔宝宝),12 Horoscopes in Star Shape,12 Horoscopes in Square Shape, 12 Chinese Zodiac &Single Eye Camera .
*For outstations customers or mommies, you can send your mother milk thru Yamato Transport or Poslaju and reaching within the same day or next day!
-You need to packed all the required mother milk or breast milk into styrofoam boxes, put some ice sheet or bubble wrap around the mother milk or you can also add the ice gel pad.
-Then seal it, and put into the parcel box, post it before 10am at PosLaju or Skynet or DHL courier or Yamato Transport and within the same day or next day, the mother milk will reach the destination.
特別以母乳皂做為清潔用品, 這份愛更親近與親子觀關係!純母乳皂絕對能深得妳心。
我用心製作每一塊天然樸實的母乳皂, 只為了讓哺乳媽媽為寶寶而準備一份愛的禮物!純母乳手工皂, 實在好沖好洗, 洗後不緊繃, 確有一股輕鬆感, 這是一般肥皂無可取代的! 各款手工皂配方都可以和母乳搭配製作,這是呵護我們的肌膚,最天然、環保的皂。
特別以母乳皂做為清潔用品, 這份愛更親近與親子觀關係!純母乳皂絕對能深得妳心。

2. 來信代製:請先來信或留言告知Patty,需要訂購的皂款和數量。
3. 確認訂購:Patty與買家確認訂購內容及匯款金額後,再進行匯款。
4. 寄出母乳:一條皂請準備 240~350 ml 的母乳,使用冷凍宅配寄給Patty or Klang Valley areas面交。
5. 完成匯款:匯款完成,請告知 Patty.
6. 安排製作:確認款項後,Patty 將安排母乳皂的製作時間。
7. 出貨方式:熟成後寄出or面交。
8. 切皂:一條皂約可切成 100g x 10塊
9. 重量說明:皂液總重約800g~820g,經過熟成晾皂,皂中的水分會逐漸脫乾,重量約減少10%左右。

1.RM150 / 條 馬賽寶貝皂→ 以橄欖油為主,無精油,不刺激,適合幼兒及敏感肌膚。
2.RM150 / 條 燕麥母乳皂→ 添加燕麥片的溫合配方,無精油,不刺激,適合幼兒或肌膚敏感者。
3.RM150 / 條 艾草/紫草/檜木/抹草/桂花/七白/珍珠粉/玉容散平安皂→ 滋潤保濕,添加艾草/紫草/檜木/抹草/桂花/七白/珍珠粉/玉容散,含精油成分,含精油成分,適合中、乾、油性肌膚、幼兒或肌膚敏感者。
a. 平安艾草母乳皂
b. 紫草母乳皂
對於傷口有著優越的治癒能力 有緩解刺激的作用
c. 檜木母乳皂
具有強大的殺菌能力, 對人體有非常大的助益,諸如消除失眠, 頭痛,焦慮,助益呼吸器官及肺機能,增進血液循環及心臟活力, 促進全身細胞新陳代謝活絡以達抗癌美顏又延壽等等。
d. 抹草母乳皂
抹草,可以祈福、淨身、避邪的皂, 是民間廣泛拿來除障招祥,去檅定神中最具有圓滿善良的能量藥草,它是少數能淨化身心又有益皮膚健康的天然抗菌植物。
e. 七白粉母乳皂
f. 桂花粉母乳皂
g. 珍珠粉母乳皂
h. 玉容散母乳皂
玉容散粉可温经、驱风、活络经脉、美白去粉刺及促进脸部循环收 缩肌毛孔。
4.RM120/ 條 草本保濕皂→ 金盞花, 薰衣草、洋甘菊、玫瑰四款可選擇;配方保濕,將花草入皂, 含精油成分,適合中、乾、油性肌膚。
a. 金盞花母乳皂
b. 薰衣草母乳皂
c. 玫瑰母乳皂
護膚聖品,它用來減緩細紋產生,防止皮膚老化,並給予皮膚深層的滋潤。玫瑰最大的效用在於美白保濕 , 消除疲勞!
d. 洋甘菊母乳皂
改善干燥皮肤和湿疹皮肤, 改善敏感和脆弱皮肤, 改善缺水和干裂及脱皮皮肤, 改善油而缺水的皮肤, 可平衡油脂分泌,增加皮肤自身保湿性,用後皮膚會有相當程度的柔軟、舒適感及抗敏力.
5.RM150/ 條 粉色/綠色礦石泥粉皂→ 含有細小顆粒,可以深層清潔毛細孔.
•法國超細粉紅石泥/ 適合中性、乾性、熟齡肌膚,推薦給女性。
•法國超細綠石泥 // 適合中性、油性、混合性肌膚。

- 根据不同的配方有不同的费用计算。定制訂單的價格最低80令吉或以上,老顧客或訂購五條皂將享有優惠價格,請來信向Patty查詢最優惠的價格。
- 母乳皂的製作時間較長和複雜,需等待約4週至3個月才能收到成品,由於等待時間長久,必須事前告知買家,確定可以耐心等待的媽咪,再向patty下訂單喔~非常感謝!
1. 全程採用低溫冷製法作皂,母乳與植物油脂的養分可以留存較多,給您與寶寶的肌膚最好的呵護。2. 堅持不採用密臘、硬脂酸、皂基入皂,不會阻塞毛細孔。
* 利用邮寄冷冻运送的方式送来:要把母乳装在保利龙箱,周围铺ice sheet,里面也加ice gel pad.密封,再装入箱子,在10am之前拿到Yamato Transport . 10am前拿到去寄送,当天就可以抵达目的地,不担心延误。

Patty 媽媽貼心小叮嚀:
♥手作皂的素材天然、溫和,臉部可用的也適用身體、寶寶可用的你用也好,能調節頭皮的配方, 也可用在身體及臉部的肌膚,所以手作皂可適用臉及全身,請安心使用。♥手作皂是弱鹼性產品,具微刺激性,使用時請小心不要噴濺到眼睛,若不小心噴濺到眼睛請以大量清水沖洗即可。♥手作皂只是天然無負擔的清潔品,不具深切療效,嚴重皮膚問題仍需請教專業醫師,請勿過度依賴手作皂。

wa nice!
yalo beii!hehe.i will wait for your second one:P
pls do help me spread the news to new mommy or mommies ya:)
Agnes:Sure sure..looking forward!! interested on ur breastmilk handmade can i contact u?
sorry erin i just saw the comment..may contact me at
or call me at 0192171015
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