
♥2017 Online e-shop accepted credit card and ship worldwide! Please visit !

All Class can start with 1 person and by appointment basic:) Please email or call Patricia 0192171015 for booking or enquiries.
AlmightyProfessionalSoapMakingWorkshop(APSPW) (全能手工皂专业课程)PRIVATE SESSION, MORE DETAILS Click HERE!

Happiness Mother Milk / Breast Milk Soap Making Workshop (幸福媽媽母乳皂課程), more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend available, please choose your date listed as above.

Please SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at
Joyful Soap Making Workshop (快樂手工皂课程) ♥RM250♥ 1 workshop (1-6 persons) 1人即可開班,more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend availablePlease Whatapps/SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Now you can place your breast milk soap order online or email us at

Lovely Peoples Feedback to Lullabelle Handmade Soap Services & Handmade Goodies,CLICK HERE!

Custom orders are welcome especially for event, party or wedding! Design & Sample Click HERE!Please SMS/call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Chris Mama Mother's Milk Custom Order《Chris 媽媽母乳皂代製》

1st batch of breast milk soap will be Mugwort Hinoki Blessing soap, mugwort is said to alleviate eczema, acne and psoriasis. It is also helpful with actinic keratosis, reducing the abnormal cell production and promoting healthy cell growth. Then Hinoki powder and hinoki wood essential oils in it! Hinoki Wood has great antiseptic properties, long lasting and moisturizing. It smoothes your skin's texture, minimizes visible signs of aging, and simulates circulation.
2nd batch of breast milk soap will be Mugwort Rose soap. Rose oil have a host of beneficial on the skin and are great for promoting a youthful complexion with good tone, elasticity and an even colored complexion.Hope Chris mama loves it and enjoys the goodness of pure breast milk soap for herself and family!母乳的營養價值極高,可以製作出珍貴且溫和的母乳皂. 母乳皂可以呵護我們的肌膚,是最天然、環保的皂, 也是對肌膚沒有負擔的皂。
第一批母乳皂做了艾草桧木母乳皂,檜木粉&精油可以幫助平緩濕疹,痤瘡、皮炎、不安的肌膚。艾草粉&精油可加速皮肤的血液循环,使老化细胞代谢,新细胞再生加强,淡化色斑,减少皱纹,使肤色红润,延缓衰老,可改善眼袋、黑眼圈、眼睑下垂、皱纹、延缓眼部的松弛老化现象,使眼部恢复光彩,增强人体的免疫力、强身健体。第二批母乳皂做了艾草玫瑰母乳皂,玫瑰一直以來都是護膚聖品,它用來減緩細紋產生,防止皮膚老化,並給予皮膚深層的滋潤。玫瑰最大的效用在於美白保濕 , 消除疲勞!
母乳皂泡沫纖細柔軟, 能加強肌膚保溼力、給予肌膚長效潤澤前所未有沐浴體驗!
希望Chris 媽媽會喜歡露娜貝兒所代製的母乳皂! ^__^


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