
♥2017 Online e-shop accepted credit card and ship worldwide! Please visit !

All Class can start with 1 person and by appointment basic:) Please email or call Patricia 0192171015 for booking or enquiries.
AlmightyProfessionalSoapMakingWorkshop(APSPW) (全能手工皂专业课程)PRIVATE SESSION, MORE DETAILS Click HERE!

Happiness Mother Milk / Breast Milk Soap Making Workshop (幸福媽媽母乳皂課程), more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend available, please choose your date listed as above.

Please SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at
Joyful Soap Making Workshop (快樂手工皂课程) ♥RM250♥ 1 workshop (1-6 persons) 1人即可開班,more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend availablePlease Whatapps/SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Now you can place your breast milk soap order online or email us at

Lovely Peoples Feedback to Lullabelle Handmade Soap Services & Handmade Goodies,CLICK HERE!

Custom orders are welcome especially for event, party or wedding! Design & Sample Click HERE!Please SMS/call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Friday, January 6, 2012

Pei Wei Mama Mother's Milk Custom Order《Pei Wei 媽媽母乳皂代製》

The 1st one is Hinoki Marseilles soap and Marseilles soap has its own strict rules about its production and ingredients. Each block is made with at least 72% olive oil. Marseilles soap is pound of wonderful natural goodness.
Added rosewood essential oil and It rejuvenates skin and keeps it healthy and young. It can be useful in treatment of stress, wrinkles, skin diseases, acne etc... You will be amazed for its wonderful and hidden power.
Plus hinoki essentials oil offers more unique benefits. Hinoki powder and hinoki wood essential oils in it! Hinoki Wood essential oil has great antiseptic properties, long lasting and moisturizing. It smoothes your skin's texture, minimizes visible signs of aging, and simulates circulation.
Good for people with allergy, eczema, psoriasis and Potent antioxidant properties.

Second soap will be mugwort blessing soap which mugwort powder have great function and antiseptic to problematic skin.

Mugwort known as The Woman’s Herb "Mugwort (Ai Cao)” because Mugwort's generic name is from that of the Greek moon goddess Artemis, a patron of women.

The Benefits of Mugwort powder and essential oil:
* This herb also help in speed up curing and healing for cancer and hepatitis C.
* It also widely used for the treatment of diabetes and depression.
* For most organic eaters used Mugwort mashed into liquid form and mixed into their home made bread, cake and noodle for healthy food.
* Used with Mugwort in tea as a remedy for liver problems, depression, jaundice, and stimulate menstruation.
* Good anti-aging and natural skin alternative treatment for skin rashes and pimples. It increase skin's radiance and decrease inflammation.
Last batch of soap will be Calendula blessing soap which added hinoki e.o, frankincense e.o and also chamomile e.o to creat a mild soap for Pei Wei Mama and babies.

Calendula infused oil, caledula and powder are considered to be the most nourishing ingredients for sensitive skin, eczema and psoriasis. This soap is ideal for sensitive and delicate, dry or damaged skin, suitable for children as well as adults.

Frankincense essential oil which widely used in modern cosmetics to rejuvenate the skin and has excellent cytophylactic properties (encourages the growth of skin cells) while being a good all-over skin tonic. It is also effective in healing sores, carbuncles and wounds, while reducing ugly scaring and reducing skin inflammation. Frankincense essential oil is a powerful ally in the fight to keep wrinkles at bay, while at the same time improving the tone and quality of the complexion, even in more mature skins.

Chamomile is an ideal ingredient to be used in general skin care, and especially where inflammation may be present, such as in various skin problems, including acne, irritation and other forms of rashes and skin complaints, plus the fact that it promotes granulation and cell regeneration.

Hope Pei Wei Mama and her families will love it and I truly appreciated the trust and patience given by Pei Wei Mama.

Back to mother milk soap, if any mommies have extra or expired mother milk, you can always turn mother milk into soap and mother milk soap is very mild and tender to baby skin as well as adult too. If you have no experience or less time or etc, you can always custom order your mother milk order with Patty, detailed please click HERE!

母乳是媽媽給新生的小寶寶的第一個見面禮,而且母乳內含上千總營養素,用 100%純母乳製作,母乳溫和、滋潤且高度保溼的特性,能減緩並改善敏感肌膚的乾癢和種種不適感,純天然的成份也適用於嬰兒和乾性膚質!

第一批母乳皂做了檜木馬賽皂,檜木氣味天然溫暖祥和,可以幫助平緩濕疹, 痤瘡、皮炎、不安的肌膚。。

72%金盞花浸泡橄欖油製成的馬賽皂,溫和清潔肌膚、滋潤、保濕於一身,檜木粉& 淡淡的金盞花,給予嫩嫩的肌膚最細緻的呵護,小寶貝&重視保養的媽咪都適合.
♥♥♥ 因為橄欖油比例比較高,但洗後感覺很保濕...油脂的成份比較簡單,但要晾皂約2個月,而且皂的硬度較軟..除了寶寶洗澎澎外,媽咪也可以當做卸妝洗臉皂~嗯!方便又好用!

另一方面檜木的氣味會讓身心靈放鬆, 所以檜木精油加入運用皂裡頭~洗的時候會起柔軟的泡沫,洗淨效果很好,也可使皮膚細膩 ,潔淨舒爽,應該用它每天來清洗全身!

第二批母乳皂做了艾草平安皂,我還用了艾草粉做皂&渲染, 這皂看起來像美味的與令人愉快的甜點,很漂亮好用! 艾草有保溫、淨化、造血、安定神經及溫灸功效, 相傳可以消災、辟邪、 祈福.

第三批母乳皂做了金盞花平安皂,金盞花浸泡油有鎮靜修復及安撫的作用,對於發炎狀態中的皮膚有極佳的效果. 由於其作用溫和,也常見用於乳液或嬰兒用品的成份中, 可以保濕並修護皮膚. 金盞花浸泡油無論療效、或視覺效果,都予人溫和舒適的感受。

: 抗菌、促進傷口結疤、增強細胞活性、鎮靜、補身。具回春作用,對老化皮膚很好,其收斂的特性有利油性皮膚,幫助皮膚傷口癒合。幫助情感受挫或缺乏自信心。


1.天然芬多精,容易疲勞的人使用後 會消除疲勞 覺得精神比較好 增強身體免疫機能、 刺激中樞神經、調整自律神經、鎮靜神經等作用。
3.消除失眠、頭痛、焦慮、助益呼吸器官及肺機能、增進血液循環及心 臟活力、促進全身細胞新陳代謝活絡以達抗癌美顏又延壽等。
4.防止蚊、蚤、蟑螂等蟲咬,及咬後消炎、消腫、消毒之 天然防護劑。 防止細菌感染、增進血液循環、快速治療頭皮癢、皮膚炎、皮膚過敏、 香港腳滅菌止癢、保濕抗老化、抑制金黃色葡萄球菌。

希望Pei Wei Mama和家裡的BIBI會喜歡及用得暢快舒服!


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