
♥2017 Online e-shop accepted credit card and ship worldwide! Please visit !

All Class can start with 1 person and by appointment basic:) Please email or call Patricia 0192171015 for booking or enquiries.
AlmightyProfessionalSoapMakingWorkshop(APSPW) (全能手工皂专业课程)PRIVATE SESSION, MORE DETAILS Click HERE!

Happiness Mother Milk / Breast Milk Soap Making Workshop (幸福媽媽母乳皂課程), more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend available, please choose your date listed as above.

Please SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at
Joyful Soap Making Workshop (快樂手工皂课程) ♥RM250♥ 1 workshop (1-6 persons) 1人即可開班,more details HERE!!
Only weekday night(8pm-11pm) & weekend availablePlease Whatapps/SMS / call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Now you can place your breast milk soap order online or email us at

Lovely Peoples Feedback to Lullabelle Handmade Soap Services & Handmade Goodies,CLICK HERE!

Custom orders are welcome especially for event, party or wedding! Design & Sample Click HERE!Please SMS/call Patricia for more details at 019-2171015 or e-mail us at

Friday, June 1, 2012

Lim Mama Mother's Milk Custom Order《Lim 媽媽母乳皂代製》

2 batches of herbal breast milk soap for Lim mama which are Hinoki Seven White Love Soap & Mugwort Artemisia Soap.Hinoki powder and hinoki wood essential oils in it! Hinoki Wood has great antiseptic properties, long lasting and moisturizing. It smoothes your skin's texture, minimizes visible signs of aging, and simulates circulation.Hinoki Seven White Love Soap consist Calendula infused oil is the most nourishing ingredients for sensitive skin, eczema and psoriasis. Ideal for sensitive and delicate, dry or damaged skin, suitable for children as well as adults.
Artemisia powder is added in the soap production, which contains essential minerals and vitamins for healthy skin. It can help to ease muscle pain and heal skin lesions, insect bites, and bruises.Mugwort essential oil is good for women’s complaints and supports the womb. It eases painful menstrual cramps, relaxes tension through the abdominal area and encourages blood flow when periods are delayed or scanty. With skin complaints mugwort is said to alleviate eczema, acne and psoriasis. It is also helpful with actinic keratosis, reducing the abnormal cell production and promoting healthy cell growth.
Hope Lim Mama loves it and many blessing to her and family.Back to mother milk soap, if any mommies have extra or expired mother milk, you can always turn mother milk into soap and mother milk soap is very mild and tender to baby skin as well as adult too. If you have no experience or less time or etc, you can always custom order your mother milk order with Patty, detailed please click HERE!
.. 珍貴母乳皂代製 ...
讓您與寶寶用最好的母乳香皂 !
使用天然手工皂, 從裡到外都是媽媽愛!
手工皂最主要的功能就是清潔皮膚 以溫和的方式清潔細嫩的皮膚。
希望Lim Mama喜歡&用得滿意舒服!...
這2批母乳皂做了檜木七白 &艾草抹草母乳皂 , 檜木粉&精油可以幫助平緩濕疹, 痤瘡、皮炎、不安的肌膚。檜木粉本身能釋放出高濃度的檜木芬多精,天然植物芬多精,使人如置身天然森林浴,提升人體健康、增強對疾病抵抗力、提神醒腦、消除疲勞!



艾草粉&精油可加速皮肤的血液循环,使老化细胞代谢 ,新细胞再生加强,淡化色斑,减少皱纹,使肤色红润,延缓衰老,可改善眼袋、黑眼圈、眼睑下垂、皱纹、延缓眼部的松弛老化现象,使眼部恢复光彩,增强人体的免疫力、强身健体。备长炭粉:用于皮肤,可深层清洁隐于皮肤下的污垢,释放远红外线,杀菌消炎,还皮肤以健康。备长炭具有缩小水分子的作用,水分子束越小越容易深入皮肤去除污垢。

金盞花浸泡油有鎮靜修復及安撫的作用,對於發炎狀態中的皮膚有極佳的效果由於其作用溫和,也常見用於乳液或嬰兒用品的成份中, 可以保濕並修護皮膚.如果真的很忙,沒有時間...或者購買工具和材料上的不方便...這樣,也很歡迎來找Patty代製母乳皂!只是,代製母乳皂需要時間上的等待(2-4 weeks)~詳情請參閱這裡, 如果有任何問題, 歡迎联络 Patty 019-2171015或电邮至


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